English attitude status | 1000 attitude quotes in english | shayariking2k6.blogspot.com

ENGLISH ATTITUDE STATUS:- Do you 🙄 know what is the best attitude 🧐 quotes? See here 👌 best attitude quotes with Images 🤙 that will help to improve 😎 your personality and thoughts.

Everyone 😏 has their attitudes, some have a good 👍 attitude, and some have a 👎 bad. Everyone has their 🙄 own choice of how they want to 🤨 become. But in today’s world 🌍 a person with a good attitude is valued more.


Beauty is 🤩 only skin deep. Attitude is down 😎 to the bone.

Being 🙂 good is also a mistake nowadays, people think 😏 you are fake.

The funny 🤣 thing is when you start 🙂 feeling happy alone.
Everyone 💑 wants to be with you.

Be more 🤫 private,
Not everything 🤨 you do needs to be seen or heard.

Be careful 😎 what you tolerate,
You are 😕 teaching people how to treat you.

Don’t 👆 depend too much on anyone.
Even your 😶 own shadow leaves you when you are 🤐 in darkness.

You’re 👍 lucky if you found a 🧐 person who never gets tired of 🤒 understanding your nonsense attitude.

Don’t show 👆 me your Attitude As you can’t 🖕 handle mine.

Weakness 😞 of attitude becomes weakness 🙁 of character.

You can 😕 help someone with low self-esteem, but it is 😐 almost impossible to help 🙄 someone with a negative attitude.

I advise ☝️ you to not hide your feelings, don’t pretend 😞 to be okay when you’re ❌ not okay, don’t pretend 🙂 to be happy when you’re 😞 sad; it’ll only lead to your 👆 misery.

A happy 😁cperson is not a person in a certain set of 😶 circumstances but rather a person 😎 with a certain set of attitudes.

Choosing ➕️ to be positive and having a grateful attitude 😕 is going to determine how you 🤗 are going to live your life.

When 😔 something is gone, something better 🙂 is coming.

Smile in 😊 every situation because No 👆 one cares, whether you 😫 cry, die, or fly high.


Be 😑 patience. Sometimes you 🙂 have to go through the 🔥 worst to get to the best.

Don’t tell 🤫 someone about your good side to make them stay. Tell them 🔥 your worst side and see who stays.

Do not 😕 correct a fool, or he will 😒 hate you.
Correct a 👆 wise man, and he 👏 will appreciate you.

Attitudes 😏 are nothing more than habits of thoughts, and 😐 habits can be acquired. An action 😎 repeated becomes an attitude realized.

Possessing a 🤒 great attitude is like having 🔫 a secret weapon. All things 📎 being equal, Attitude 👍 wins. All things ✖️ not being equal, Attitude 🤨 still sometimes wins.

BE AN 🦅 EAGLE. A parrot 🐦 talks too much but can’t fly ☝️ high. But an eagle 🦅 is silent and has the ability ☁️ to touch the sky.

Never 😎 underestimate the power of my intuition.
I can recognize 🤣 your game before you ever play it.

I 👆 survived because the 🕯 fire inside me burned 🔥 brighter than the fire around me.

You 🤨 can’t control what happens to you in life, but you ☝️ can control your attitude towards it.
By controlling ✊ your Attitude, you are mastering change 🙂 instead of letting change master you.

Only a ✊ strong man can handle a strong woman. A weak 😞 man will just say that she has 😔 an attitude problem.

😂 Happiness does ✖️ not depend on any external conditions; it is 🤗 governed by our mental attitude.

Adopting ✔️cthe right attitude can ➗ convert a negative stress into a positive ➕️ one.

Real 👆 change requires you to change your behavior, not just 😎 your Attitude.

Thinking is 🤔 difficult, that’s why 😶 most people judge.

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